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Posts posted by fadhilnadif46

  1. Nama Karakter: David Brylee

    Pelanggaran: Pemilik Tidak Niat Bermain

    Alasan mengapa anda melakukan pelanggaran tersebut: saya sedang berbagi kendaraan saya (truk) kepada warga tetapi menurut admin itu tindakan yang (tidak niat bermain)

    Tanggal Kejadian06 November 2022

    Permohonan 2000 kata: saya menyesal min saya ingin bermain irrp lagi 😭 , saya janji kalo saya merusuh dan lain lain langsung di banned lagi udah nyesel soalnya min ga bakal bisa ngulang lagi kalo nyesel gini

  2. On 11/6/2022 at 10:59 PM, adhits said:


    when the state of headquarters was abandoned by all members who were carrying out the mission given by Morale, there was one member who sneaked into the headquarters and left the task, because there was a chance he even stole some stock that was in the headquarters warehouse, and Morale also received an alarm from his cellphone and immediately checked the CCTV via his cellphone, after that Morale tried to politely ask the person what he was doing at the headquarters but he didn't admit it, without further ado, Morale took him to a quiet place and began to search him, after being searched he didn't find anything whatever Morale tried to check into his motel room and get evidence in the form of the items he stole, and at that time Morale also kicked him out of the Amcatal Mobster family, and ended the person's life.

    Good boys👍

  3. 9 hours ago, rhendzzskuy said:

    Kenapa anda kemarin meminta admin untuk banned permanent? 
    Jika masih ingin bermain kenapa tidak meneruskan dengan akun yang yang itu? 

    Pengin bikin ucp baru min ucp yg itu banned aja tapi serialnya unbanned😭

  4. Nama Karakter: ((David Brylee)

    Pelanggaran: ((saya yang meminta))

    Alasan mengapa anda melakukan pelanggaran tersebut: ((saya ingin mengganti ucp dan memblokir ucp lama saya)

    Tanggal Kejadian: ((06 November 2022))

    Permohonan 2000 kata: ((saya meminta admin membanned ucp saya bukan ip dan serial jadi tolong unban ip dan serial saya))

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